Saturday, September 11, 2010

Global Warming: A Very Real Concern

While it can be frustrating to spend hours in Los Angeles traffic, it is not the issue which drives me to write this blog. Global warming is the real reason why Los Angeles and other cities need to renovate its public transportation system.

For those of who are unaware of global warming and climate change, I will explain the main points behind the argument. Global warming describes the, “gradual increase in temperature of the Earth’s surface that has worsened since the industrial revolution.” The temperature has risen in response to the gradual build up of greenhouse gases. These gases are byproducts of various human activities, the most significant of which is the burning of fossil fuels (i.e. gasoline).

While there have not been sufficient studies to prove causation between recent natural disasters and global warming, there is a strong correlation. Additionally, the numbers and frequency of natural disasters (and their strength) provide further evidence. From 1995-1999 33 hurricanes struck the Atlantic basin. Not only have the number of hurricanes increased over the years, they have also increased in intensity. All of this provides evidence for the existence of global warming. It is important that everyone do their part to mitigate global warming so that there will be an earth left for our children and grandchildren.

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