Thursday, December 2, 2010

TSA Abuse

Follow this link to see an extreme injustice committed in the airport recently. A woman brought breast-milk through security (which is completely allowed under TSA guidelines) and was heavily harassed by TSA officers. They first asked her to step aside into a glass cage in the middle of the security check point. They then proceeded to leave her alone in the cage for an twenty minutes before interacting with the woman again. In total, she spent an entire hour in the cage, and missed her flight. At one point the woman broke down in frustrated tears, and still received no compassion or assistance from the officers.

TSA officers explained that they were merely trying to make an example out of the woman. But I ask, what kind of point were they trying to prove? Were they trying to prove that the rules on their website are inaccurate? Were they trying to prove that TSA officers are highly insensitive? Regardless of what exactly they were trying to prove, they should have exercised some common decency by thoroughly explaining the situation.

Additionally, did the officers really think that putting someone in a glass cage for an hour would actually teach anyone a lesson? Whenever I go through security it feels like a whirl-wind, and I definitely do not have the time to sniff the roses and notice who is standing next to me. I doubt that their actions actually managed to achieve their goal of deterring others from trying to bring liquids through security.

TSA needs to reevaluate their procedures and actions. They need to remember that their customers are of key importance. If this harassment continues, then people will cease to fly. If people do not fly, then that puts a lot of TSA officers out of jobs. Hence, they need to take better care of their customers so that they can secure their jobs. Above all else though, I think the rule "treat others as you would like to be treated" is important to remember.

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